Lenten exhibit “Dolorosa” opens in Ali Mall

Lenten exhibit “Dolorosa” opens in Ali Mall

Araneta City in partnership with the Holy Images Exhibitors opens an exhibit of religious images of Mater Dolorosa in Ali Mall to remind the public of the important role of Mary in the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Titled “Dolorosa”, the exhibit depicts the grief and sorrow of Mary over the death of her son, Jesus. More than forty (40) religious images and replicas of Mater Dolorosa from different parishes around the country will be exhibited from March 2 to 13 at the LGF, Activity Area of Ali Mall.  

The exhibit includes iconic images of the Sorrowful Mother from parishes in Metro Manila, Nueva Ecija, Pampanga, Quezon Province, and Batangas.

“We are bringing Dolorosa to Ali Mall to remind the public of the fervent love of Mary to Jesus through her grief and sorrow. This is to bring closer to our patrons and shoppers the meaning of the Passion of Christ as we prepare ourselves for the Lenten Season. May this exhibit remind devotees of the value of love and faith,” Aileen Ibay, Property Manager of Ali Mall, said.

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