Happening at Araneta City

Love in the City Mall Promo
Published Date: February 07, 2022- Venue: Gateway Mall, Farmers Plaza, and Ali Mall
- Schedule: February 7-20, 2022 (Extended)
1. Customers must present their receipt at any mall redemption booth.
Gateway Mall Concierge (Upper Ground Floor)
Ali Mall Concierge (Ground Floor)
Farmers Plaza Concierge (Ground Floor)
2. Customers shall receive a digital scratch card upon registration and upon scanning the QR code.
3. Customers shall scratch the digital card in the presence of the promo booth representative. Digital scratch cards that are scratched without the supervision of the promo booth representative shall be considered invalid.
4. Customers have a chance to win one of the following prizes:
Major Prize:
-A lunch or dinner date for two (2) persons at Oasis, Gateway Mall dated February 16 -28.
Inclusions: Set meals from Sachi & Rasa Restaurant, and one (1) flower bouquet from Farmers Garden
-Two (2) Gateway Cineplex passes valid for 6 months starting February 16, 2022.Minor Prize:
-Bottle of wine (187ml)
5. Promo representatives shall mark the receipts with “claimed” or “redeemed”.
6. Strictly one transaction per receipt only. For receipt purchases worth P 2,000 and up, only a maximum of two digital scratch cards are allowed regardless of the total amount purchased.
7. By joining the promo, customers agree with Araneta City’s privacy policy.
8. All Araneta City employees, its sister companies, and relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity are disqualified from joining the promo.
DTI Fair Trade Permit No. FTEB-136501 Series of 2022